Self Awareness Creative Writing Assignment

Self Awareness Creative Writing Assignment

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Self-awareness is the fundamental step towards understanding other cultures.

Final assignment

  1. Write a creative essay on your own culture, using the same style and approach as discussed in week 7 in the example essay.
  • Make sure your essay has an interesting title.
  • Your essay should be between 600-700 words.
  • Under length (i.e. less than 600 words) and over length (i.e. more than 700 words) will be penalized.
  • Handing in your essay after the deadline will be penalized.
  • Your essay will be graded by both IP 1 and BCOM examiners: the assignment is worth a total of 4 ECTS (2 for IP & 2 for BCOM).

Hand in your essay as follows:

  • On the Word document containing your essay you must insert your name, student number, PG number, and the names of both your IP (Mr. van Melle, Mr. Maassen, or Ms Muffels & BCOM teachers (Ms. Beresford, Ms. Ferguson, or Ms. Sintotskaya).
  • Upload your essay to the Ephorus assignment links on BlackBoard via the Intercultural Proficiency BlackBoard site no later than 22:00 (10 pm) on Monday March 23rd (See announcement on BB for the Ephorus assignment).
  • In the subject line on BB insert your PG number
  • If you fail to upload your essay by the deadline you will automatically have to re-sit this assignment.
  • If you hand in an essay in any file type other than Word (e.g. in PDF) the essay will not be accepted. This will therefore result in an automatic resit.

Important IP Notes & Grading Rubric: As a tip for writing the essay: take the perspective of, for instance, an “alien” or an anthropologist, or any other outsider perspective, who encounters your culture for the first time. Imagine how this alien/anthropologist/outsider would describe your culture.  Self Awareness Creative Writing Assignment

When describing your culture from the “alien’s” or “anthropologist’s” “perspective”, make sure to substantively incorporate at least two of the following concepts into your essay. These concepts have come to the fore during the block.


  • Prejudice, ethno-centrism (write like an alien/anthropologist/outsider who considers him/herself superior to your culture. Describe typical negative evaluations/judgments based on superficial observations of people and their habits and practices in your culture).
  • Stereotyping (generalizations about people of your culture – positive or negative).
  • Subgroups, ethnic groups, co-cultures (description of a certain category of people within your culture and of what distinguishes them from others in your culture).
  • Verbal and or non-verbal communication (refer to the use and/or non-use of words, i.e. body language and sounds in your culture).
  • Low-context or high-context (refer to the way the people of your culture communicate with one another).


Functions of non-verbal communication (why and when is non-verbal communication used in your culture?). Self Awareness Creative Writing Assignment

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