Did you explain why your proposal presents an economic opportunity at the micro level (such as the departmental level)?

Did you explain why your proposal presents an economic opportunity at the micro level (such as the departmental level)?

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

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This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Executive Brief: Proposal of a New Economic Opportunity assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assignment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assignment. Do not turn in this document as your assignment submission.

Propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for your care setting at both the micro (departmental, neighborhood) and macro (organizational, community) levels, and that you believe will provide ethical and culturally equitable improvements to the quality of care.

Note: While your proposal should seek to affect the economics of your care setting at both a micro and a macro level, it will likely only be maintained at one level once it is implemented. For example, adding a new advanced imaging service may add economic benefit for the unit that houses it and the overall revenue of the organization. However, the actual imaging unit will be maintained at the micro, or departmental, level.

Did you describe the service line or economic initiative that you are proposing?

Did you explain why your proposal presents an economic opportunity at the micro level (such as the departmental level)?

Did you explain why your proposal presents an economic opportunity at the macro level (such as the organizational or community level)?

Did you explain how your proposed initiative is ethical and culturally equitable?

Did you explain how or why this economic initiative will result in improvements in the quality of care?

Analyze the supply and demand for your proposed economic initiative within contexts relevant to your care setting.

What do the economic and demographic data suggest is the supply for your proposed initiative in the surrounding environment?

What do the economic and demographic data suggest is the demand for your proposed initiative in the surrounding environment?

Explain relevant economic and environmental data that support your proposal and analysis.

How does the relevant economic data (sector growth, supply versus demand, cost versus reimbursement, et cetera) illustrate a potential opportunity for your care setting related to your proposal?

How does this data illustrate the potential economic viability of your proposed initiative?

Communicate your economic proposal in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Is your executive summary logically structured?

Is your executive summary 3 double-spaced pages?

Is your writing clear and free from errors?

Effectively support your proposal with relevant economic data and scholarly sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

Did you cite 5 sources that provided economic, environmental, or scholarly support of your proposal and analysis?

  • Did you use a combination of quantitative and qualitative evidence?

Did you format your citations according to current APA style?


NB/ U.S. Health Care Demand

-Consider elastic and inelastic demand/changes in prices

-demand for health & the role of economics

– supply-demand curves, causing the price-quantity equilibrium to change:










Suggested Resources

  • These articles explore topics and possibilities of change supply and demand projections:
  • Shunsuke, D., Hiroo, I., & Takeuchi, K., Shinsuke, F., & Takabayashi, K. (2017). Estimation and evaluation of future demand and supply of healthcare services based on a patient access area model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(11), 1367.
  • Indresano, R. (2016). How to rebalance the supply-demand scales in healthcare. Retrieved from
  • Davis, K. R. (2016). Healthcare recruiting: High demand with a short supply!. Talent Acquisition Excellence Essentials, 1–7.
  • Cantor, M. N. (2015). Health care quality: A question of supply and demand [PDF]. American Journal of Medical Quality, 30(5), 491–492.


Economic Initiatives

This resource discusses economic initiatives with respect to impacts on cost, utilization and outcomes:

  • Rhodes, K. V., Basseyn, S., Gallop, R., Noll, E., Rothbard, A., & Crits-Christoph, P. (2016). Pennsylvania’s medical home initiative: Reductions in healthcare utilization and cost among Medicaid patients with medical and psychiatric comorbidities [PDF]. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 31(11), 1373–1381.

This resource discusses the provision of free health care services and the evaluation of the program’s impacts:

  • Edoka, I., Ensor, T., Mcpake, B., Amara, R., Tseng, F., & Edem-hotah, J. (2016). Free health care for under-fives, expectant and recent mothers? Evaluating the impact of Sierra Leone’s free health care initiative [PDF]. Health Economics Review, 6(1), 1–15.

This resource discusses the potential of implementing time- and activity-based cost setting to improve value elements of care:

  • Kaplan, R. S., Witkowski, M., Abbott, M., Guzman, A. B., Higgins, L. D., Meara, J. G, . . . Feeley, T. W. (2014). Using time-driven activity-based costing to identify value improvement opportunities in healthcare. Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(6), 399–413.

This resource discusses how information technology, realigned payment systems, and value-focused organizations together have the potential to transform issues related to spending and outcomes in the U.S. health care system:

  • Cutler, D. (2014). The quality cure: How focusing on health care quality can save your life and lower spending too.Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Ethical and Cultural Issues

This resource discusses cultural resources used in Mexican-American communities to facilitate interventions for health care challenges:

  • Madden, E. F. (2015). Cultural health capital on the margins: Cultural resources for navigating healthcare in communities with limited access. Social Science & Medicine, 133, 145–152.

This systemic review findings include evidence that interventions to improve cultural competency can improve patient/client health outcomes:

  • Truong, M., Paradies, Y., & Priest, N. (2014). Interventions to improve cultural competency in healthcare: A systematic review of reviews [PDF]. BMC Health Services Research, 14, 99.

Suggested Resources for Further Review

Review the following:

  • National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved from
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Research Paper
Number of Pages 3 Page(s)/825 words
Sources 5
Format APA
Spacing Double Spaced

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