Assessment 1 relates to unit learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3 stated in the e-unit profile. This assessment contributes to 30% of the total marks.
Assessment 1 is an individual assessment. In assessment 1, you are assigned tasks which assess your unit knowledge gained between weeks 1 and 5 about different facets of data visualisation and analysis using Power BI tool.
Please note that ALL submitted Assessment 1 reports are passed through a computerized copy detection system and it is extremely easy for the teaching staff to identify copied or otherwise plagiarised work.
• Copying (plagiarism) can incur penalties ranging from deduction of marks to failing the course or even exclusion from the University.
• Please ensure you are familiar with the Academic Misconduct Procedures, available from:
The tasks
You will use Power BI tool for data analysis and visualisation exercises provided in this assessment. These tasks will help to build your knowledge of data formats, storage, retrieval, analysis and visualisation techniques of dashboard design.
You are required to work on the given PBIX file on the Moodle site. Download the file into your local machine and work on the file directly.
For each task, use Power BI tool, generate the output by executing the Power BI functions on the given dataset in the PBIX file and save the screenshots of the output. Save all output screenshots and analysis on the generated outputs in an MS Word file. This Word file is required to be submitted as a report for marking. Each task should be numbered correctly for marking. Also, your worked PBIX file is needed to be submitted in a zip format.
The data analysis and visualisation tasks are given as follows:
1. Show and explore the relationships (i.e., Perform Edit and Delete functions) of data and tables with explanation. Provide a screenshot with an explanation.
2. In the AW_Customer_Lookup table, add a new column named “Customer Priority” that equals “Priority” for customers who are under 50 years old and have an annual income of greater than $100,000, and “Standard” otherwise. Provide a screenshot with an explanation.
3. In the AW_Product_Lookup table, add a new column named “Price Point”, based on the following criteria.
• If the product price is greater than $500, Price Point = “High”
• If the product price is between $100 and $500, Price Point = “Mid-Range”
• If the product price is less than or equal to $100, Price Point = “Low”
Provide a screenshot with an explanation.
4. Create a measure named “Product Models” to calculate the number of unique product model names. Provide a screenshot with an explanation. (Hints: You should see a total of 119 returns)
5. Create a measure named “Total Cost”, by multiplying order quantities by product costs at the rowlevel. Provide a screenshot with an explanation. (Hints: You should see a total cost of $14,456,986.32)
6. Once you’ve calculated Total Cost, create a new measure for “Total Profit”, defined as the total revenue minus the total cost. Provide a screenshot with an explanation.
7. Create a Bar chart visualisation for OrderQuantity per country. Provide a screenshot with an explanation.
8. Create a Line chart to show ModelName, ProductCost per Region Provide a screenshot with an explanation.
9. Create a Pie chart of DiscountPrice by ModelName and CategoryName. Provide a screenshot with an explanation.
10. Write a conclusion on your overall analysis and data visualisation.
Assessment Criteria
Assessment 2 will be marked based on the following criteria.
Submitted screen shot of all questions 10 marks
Analysis presented on the generated output 15 marks
Report nicely written 5 marks
Total 30 marks
Submission Requirement
You must submit the assessment to Moodle for marking by the due date. You must need to include the following files in your submission.
• Report doc
• PBIX file
To help you communicate, forums have been set up for you on the unit Moodle website for Assessments 2 and 3. Please use them to help you work through your report.
Alternatively, you can take help from Academic Learning Centres (ALC). We have advisers situated in Academic Learning Centres at many CQUniversity locations, who offer generic group sessions, unit specific workshops, individual appointments, drop in centres, and print and online resources. ALC provides a range of services which include:
• workshops online and on-campus (see our Moodle website for details)
• online review of assignments
• online query
• one-on-one appointments in online via Zoom

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