CS 881 Internship Research Report

CS 881 Internship Research Report

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Another of the academic requirements of the CIS Internship Program is completion of a Research Report at the end of your CIS Internship.  The format for your word processed report is flexible, but the contents should generally reflect the information described below.

You must prepare a research report on a significant issue related to information systems, in general, and your internship experience, in particular.  This issue must be relevant to the Internship course and useful to information systems managers like those you encounter during your internship. A purely theoretical discussion will not suffice; you need to show how the problem is relevant in a managerial decision-making context.  (Note: the topic for your report must be approved by your professor for your Internship course.)

The report must be descriptive in that it sets out present state-of-the-art or knowledge on the issue, and prescriptive in that it presents the student’s considered views, and those of recognized authorities, regarding the issue and its possible solution.  Be careful, however, not to rely on your own generalizations. Rather, try to uncover case studies, reports, etc., that have been published and/or surveys of companies by some researcher or group. CS 881 Internship Research Report

An extensive reliance on textbook material is to be avoided.  You should use periodicals, journals, company manuals and other current literature (electronic and/or printed) to demonstrate that the subject has current relevance.  The report must demonstrate scholarship and communication capabilities consistent with an upper-level honors student. This demands that you show sophistication in style and intellectual accomplishment.

Reports must be word processed and presented in a style consistent with recommendations of a recognized style authority (such as Little Brown, Turabian, Campbell, etc.).  Be sure to note what style you choose to follow. Your Research report should be in the range of 10 to 15 pages. Shown below is additional information about the content and form of your report.


Introduction.  This is where you introduce the topic and describe what the paper intends to cover and what the structure of the paper is.  This can be supplemented by the use of an outline.

Findings.  This section should be filled with quotes, footnotes and extensive citations that specify where the information you are presenting comes from.  It is wise to use the author’s name when leading up to a quote or when paraphrasing, i.e., According to Smith, … Evans suggests, … Martin identifies five phases, … In a study by George, … Green and White argue that …

Conclusion.  This is where you report your opinions, conclusions, criticisms of the research study, etc.  You may also relate the topic to your work experience in this section. CS 881 Internship Research Report

General Guidelines.  Include a page number on all but the first page and long quotes should be single-spaced and indented.  You may use the social science research style by including footnotes inline, i.e., “a quote” (Evans p91), and, regardless of the footnote style you use, you still need a bibliography.  Do not place your report in a binder of any kind, just plain paper stapled in the upper left corner is preferred. You should cite a substantial number of sources for your report, and each source cited must be verifiable — i.e., in sufficient detail to enable your professor to locate and read the same material.

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