Students use the same health care policy problem or issue selected for the health care policy decision brief, and prepare a political analysis of ways of addressing the problem or issue. Students develop a political analysis using the following steps; the analysis needs to be between five and seven pages. A detailed description of what to consider in each step can MSN 670 – Rev 8/20/2014 Page 4 be found in Mason, Leavitt, and Chaffee (2014), pp. 65-71. A minimum of five current references from the professional nursing and health care literature.
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Write My Essay For Me Content (12) o Provide a one-paragraph summary of the problem or issue. o Describe two possible solutions for the problem or issue.
o Discuss the background of the issue or problem, including a brief history and any previous attempts to resolve the issue or problem.
o Identify the appropriate political setting and its rationale.
o Identify the key stakeholders involved and provide a brief description of their concerns related to the issue or problem.
o Assess the values of stakeholders and their opponents.
o Describe the financial and human resources needed to resolve the issue or problem.
o Analyze the power of the proponents and opponents of the proposed solutions.
o Describe what students can do to influence the selected health care policy issue.
Writing and APA Format (3) (attached file
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